I have been painting some of my favourite sea creatures. My aquatic elite have been appropriately dressed in a “ruff” for the occasion. The ruff is a fancy collar that came into fashion in 16th century Europe as a symbol of wealth and power. The wide fluffy collars could use up 10 years of cloth and have been likened to the look of a severed head on a plate. Of course not all of my subjects are actually fish as the title might imply, an octopus is an invertebrate, a whale is a mammal. Oddly enough though, a seahorse is indeed a fish. Please believe me when I tell you that getting a sea creature to sit for a lengthy portrait is no simple task, getting it to wear the ruff almost impossible. Yet here is my progress.
No 1 Posier No. 2 La Cernia No. 3 The Gold Digger No. 4 u’ Pulp’ No. 5 u’ Pescator’ No. 6 u’ Scòrfene No. 7 La Leonessa No. 8 La Regina No. 9 il Cavallino
Love this Matthew!
It was a long time I didn’t hear from you or about you. I am super happy because you came back in my life with something amazing. Congrats! You are really someone who doesn’t only think out of the box but who really is, works and live out of the box!
Hi Pier, great to hear from you! I hope you are well. I never went anywhere