
A fingerpainting for Earth Day 2021

“The time has come, the Walrus said,      To talk of many things:Of shoes — and ships — and sealing-wax —      Of cabbages — and kings —And why the sea is boiling hot —      And whether pigs have wings.” From Lewis Carroll’s “The Walrus and the Carpenter” So “Why the […]


Return to Spoon River – Illustration/Design

It was a great pleasure to illustrate and design the poster for Return to Spoon River. It’s a film by Francesco Conversano and Nene Grignaffini based on Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters and produced by Movie Movie and RAI Cinema production. I have included here the final poster and original art, fingerpainted on […]


The Art Student

The Art Student, originally uploaded by Matthew Watkins. Fingerpainted on my ipad with Procreate app.


Escape into Life on the iAMDA mobileartcon

The leading art blog Escape into life has these kind words about the Iamda mobileartcon It was an exceptional event last year, this year it promises to be even better. mw


The line squal

The line squal, originally uploaded by Matthew Watkins. Bring in some sail lads, i do believe we are in for a spot of rain


The bank executives

The bank executives, originally uploaded by Matthew Watkins. Fingerpained on my iphone with brushes.



Horace, originally uploaded by Matthew Watkins. Horace didn’t much care for farming pigs. He raised the jolly roger and set sail to pillage the prarie plains. fingerpainted on my iphone.


Long distance call

Long distance call, originally uploaded by Matthew Watkins.


The storm before the calm.

The storm before the calm., originally uploaded by Matthew Watkins.


After the deluge

After the delugeOriginally uploaded by MW_001 Herb looked out of his window on the 113th floor and realised that he was going to be very, very, late for his thursday meeting.